Yes, emotional abuse is real.
And they are doing it to you.
Because they like hurting you.
It isn’t all in your head.
You aren’t imagining it.
No matter what they are telling you now.
Most likely your spouse or partner.
Or family member.
Though they can be anyone.
I should know.
I grew up in an emotionally abusive family.
It’s what I’ve known and lived with since I was born.
It was my family’s way of life.
Even when I didn’t know it was happening.
Before I even knew it was “abuse.”
How could I?
They told me it wasn’t.
Because they never do anything wrong.
That’s the thing about your emotional abuser.
Or emotional vampire, as I call them.
They’ll never admit what they’re doing to you.
They’ll deny it and pretend it doesn’t exist.
And blame you for any problems their actions cause.
Then make you feel you deserve what they’re doing to you.
Like it’s okay because you did something wrong.
You’re probably alone right now.
Or almost alone.
Because other people don’t understand what you’re going through.
They can’t.
Even your close family.
They may not know emotional vampires exist.
They may even believe your emotional vampire over you.
And think you’re the bad guy.
You may not have friends who believe you either.
And even if they do believe you and support you (which is great) …
They probably don’t “get” how bad your emotional vampire is.
And what you’re going through.
Not really.
No matter how hard you try to explain it.
Why don’t people who love you understand?
Why can’t they see what your emotional vampire is doing to you?
Because the person hurting you.
Your Emotional Vampire.
Is hidden.
Very well hidden.
Without the right tools they’re almost invisible.
And almost unbeatable.
Until you realize they’re just doing 1 thing…
A way to hit you without leaving bruises.
A way to suffocate you without looking like they’re killing you.
And a way to “love” you that hurts.
It’s called sucking your blood.
And it’s hard to notice.
Because it only leaves 2 pin pricks on your neck.
Yet they do it every time you see them.
Leaving you drained, tired and hopeless.
Too weak to fight back.
Just how they like it.
Your entire relationship with them.
Is designed so they can feed on you.
That’s what your emotional vampire does.
It’s their nature.
And you can’t change it.
No matter what you do.
No matter how hard you try.
They’ll never stop trying to suck your blood.
You can only stop them from doing it.
This explains:
There are 3 things you usually do around your emotional vampire:
1. Talk to them and help them understand how you’re feeling.
And try to work it out.
Here’s the problem.
Do you want to talk to this person?
Didn’t think so.
They don’t care how you feel.
Or what you think.
They just want to feed on you again.
And will say anything so you drop your guard and let them suck your blood.
Talk to them?
Ask them to stop?
No thanks.
You’ve tried to it.
It doesn’t work.
They want to talk to you though.
They’re great talkers.
Better than you and me.
It’s how they manipulate you.
Not fun.
2. Then you try running away and hiding.
Hoping and praying they leave you alone.
Which causes them to chase you.
And enforces the prey-predator relationship.
Your vampire thinks they’re a big bad wolf and you’re a little piggie.
So when you squeal and run away.
They think it’s time to feast.
3. Then you fight them out of fear and try to run them off.
This is what they want.
For you to get upset and look like the bad guy.
If you have a temper like me, you may even get mad and explode at them.
This will backfire.
Because they love to fight you.
They feed off chaos and pain.
It’s like wrestling a pig.
You both get dirty.
Only the pig likes it.
So these “nice” approaches.
Which any reasonable person would try.
And tell you to do.
Don’t work and will get you hurt.
And are the opposite of what you should do.
Your vampire already knows you’ll try them.
And is waiting with every response you can imagine.
Because they’ve done this their whole lives.
So let me show you what I’ve found from a lifetime of fighting them…
Here’s where you stand now.
This is the truth you won’t hear from your emotional vampire.
And what other people won’t tell you.
There are 3 things you must know to beat them:
1. They’ll never stop.
You can’t change them no matter what you do.
And no, love won’t find a way to change them either.
2. You must stop being their food.
And stop feeding them by being their victim.
3. This isn’t love.
There is no love.
It’s a fight you have to win by becoming a vampire hunter.
Because they don’t love you.
They want to hurt you.
And enjoy doing it.
You must accept these things.
Or I don’t think you’ll ever beat them.
These rules may seem wrong or like you can ignore them.
You can’t.
These are the rules of the game for you to win.
And actually escape.
Because your emotional vampire doesn’t think like you and I do.
They follow different rules.
And obey them to the letter.
No matter what you and I think, do or say.
If you treat them like a normal person.
Or try reasoning with them.
You lose.
To beat them you must understand and exploit their psychological flaws.
Using them against themselves.
Take my word for it.
And they taught me a lot.
More than they realized.
And now I know too much.
I saw behind their mask and I figured them out.
I’ve been writing about emotional abuse since 2013.
I’m not a psychologist or doctor.
I have no training or degrees in this subject.
This is my personal experience with 3 emotional vampires in my family.
And several outside of it.
I only have real experience.
And what I’ve found personally helping hundreds of my readers through their situations.
And talking to my 14,000+ readers.
Still, take my word with a grain of salt.
Just take it seriously.
It’s dangerous to ignore what I’m about to show you.
Because I know what your emotional vampire is really like.
And what’s behind their mask.
I’ve known them my whole life.
They may seem unique or special to you.
Yet they’ll do exactly as I describe here.
I’m not saying this because I think I know everything.
I’ve just seen what happens when you don’t follow these rules.
And I know what’ll happen if you don’t believe me.
I didn’t make this stuff up.
The emotional vampires who raised me taught me through painful experience…
No matter how hopeless you feel against them now.
Or powerless they make you think you are.
No matter how many times you feel you’ve already lost everything.
Your family.
Your friends.
Your life.
And have no hope of coming back.
Like it’s too late and you’ll never escape them.
There’s always a way out.
And a way to beat them.
Even if you don’t have a hope or friend in the world right now.
How do I know?
Because they know.
And it freaks them out.
Their control is an illusion.
A house of cards that only stands because you believe it.
And they know it.
Notice your emotional vampire never has enough of your blood.
They always need more.
They don’t just stop hurting you.
They keep grabbing for more power and control.
You know why?
It doesn’t just feel good.
They have to.
It’s because they know they can lose it.
At any time.
By losing you.
Everything revolves around you.
Because they’re dependent on you.
They need you more than you need them.
Not out of love.
It’s because you make them feel safe.
And it scares them to death.
Because they know you can take it away.
Which means you’re in control.
They’re never going to change.
They’ll never stop.
No matter what you do.
Remember this when they’re sweet talking you.
Telling you they “love” you.
And you should “work it out” with them…
You aren’t going to sit down with them and talk it out.
If you’ve tried this before you know it doesn’t work.
They nod their head.
You reach some understanding or agreement.
Things get better for maybe 2 weeks.
Then they’re back to burning you alive the next chance they get.
Because talk doesn’t work.
It never works.
Talking probably makes things worse by fooling you and letting them hurt you again.
The reason you can’t talk to them honestly is because this isn’t a conversation.
It’s a fight.
They’re at war with you.
Whether you like it or not.
Depends on accepting you’re at war.
And in a fight for your life.
Because it’s the truth.
They want to hurt you.
And they won’t stop until you know how to stop them…
Right now it feels like you’re here:
Don’t worry.
You’re not.
You’re actually here:
Impossible to escape from?
Not by a long shot.
Only if you listen to your emotional vampire.
Because its dark halls are mostly for appearances.
To scare you and make you think you can’t escape.
Ever feel trapped with your emotional vampire?
Like no matter what you do.
You can’t escape them?
They’re always there.
Know everything you’re doing.
And blocking your escape.
This is because:
It’s how they make you their prisoner.
Every vampire has a castle.
With a tower.
A dungeon.
And a big gate they keep locked so you don’t get out.
It’s why talking to them doesn’t work.
Because you’re in their world.
They’re lord of this place.
How do you expect to beat them here?
You can smash your hand or head against the brick walls.
Hoping they’ll break.
That’s the hardest way.
You can find a window and jump out.
But you’ll fall and hurt yourself.
Or you can find somewhere to run and hide.
But they’ll always find you and drag you back out to feed on you.
Whenever they want.
No, not like Van Helsing.
You’re not going to fight or do anything scary.
It’s only scary for them.
Because you’re going to repel your emotional vampire the only way they understand.
What does that mean?
You won’t fight them directly.
You’re going to use their inherent psychological weaknesses.
Which your emotional vampire has.
Against them.
Without them even seeing it.
Or knowing what you’re doing.
Now, I don’t like being sneaky.
Or even telling white lies.
However, this vampire is trying to destroy you.
So I’m not holding back trying to stop them.
You can choose what you want to do.
I’m going to give you everything I’ve got.
I’m trying to save you from this person.
Even if you don’t know how bad they are yet.
And we’re going to use emotional tactics to stop them from sucking your blood.
You see, they can only hurt you by transferring their bad feelings to you.
So you accept them as your own.
And feel you’re a bad person.
That’s what they’re doing when they sink their teeth into you.
All the normal, reasonable stuff you try to make them leave you alone.
They’re immune to…
They’re real weaknesses they won’t talk about.
Because they’re weak to them.
And also because they don’t know them.
Which means you can use their weaknesses against them without them knowing…
1. Being exposed to sunlight.
When everyone sees them for who they are and what they’re doing to you.
Or in other words, the truth.
2. You leaving them and escaping their castle.
So they can’t feed on you anymore.
3. Being hurt by silver bullets, garlic and fire.
Certain things you say and do to drive them back.
Now, let me be clear again.
You’re not going to be hurting your emotional vampire in any physical or violent way.
But this is emotional combat to be sure.
Are you ready for it?
Okay, okay.
I’ll show you.
It’s this:
Not the monkey!
The mirror.
When you have a mirror.
A crystal clear mirror.
With a perfect reflection.
You win against your emotional vampire.
Stick with me here.
I know it sounds ridiculous.
I’m not kidding.
This can change your life.
That’s right…
Vampires have no reflection.
Because they can’t see or understand themselves.
Or what they’re doing.
And they don’t care.
They just want your blood.
I can tell you how to hurt your emotional vampire right now.
By getting under their skin and attacking their insecurities.
Because I know your vampire’s weaknesses.
And what you can say to hurt them.
It’s just a dumb thing to do.
Because it makes them attack you.
You’ve probably done it before by accident.
Saying the wrong thing that set them off.
And wondered why they ripped into you.
Every time you talk.
Share your feelings.
Try to reason with them.
And understand them.
You’re offering your neck for them to bite into.
You’re really just saying:
“Here I am. Bite me and suck my blood.”
And they will.
Every time.
That’s not what you want.
Because they can’t see you.
Only their empty reflection.
When your vampire sees you at all.
They suck your blood.
But when you reflect everything they throw at you.
They can’t.
Because there’s no blood to drink.
They can only suck your blood if you react.
Yet when you know exactly what to say.
And it flies back and hurts them.
Sticks to them and they can’t get it off.
Makes them doubt themselves.
Changes their focus.
So they don’t feed on you.
So they don’t want to be around you.
So they avoid you and go somewhere else.
Is it perfect?
It doesn’t cure your vampire.
It won’t stop them from trying to suck your blood.
It only stops them from being able to.
By making you too painful a target for them to abuse.
And let’s you beat them.
Protects you from them.
Let’s you escape.
Because you’re not food for them to play with anymore.
You’re not a game.
You’re not their prey.
You’re poison.
To be feared and avoided.
They won’t know what’s happening when you reflect.
Or what you’re doing.
Because they can’t see the mirror.
And they can’t see you behind it.
They just won’t be able to hurt you.
And since you won’t be confronting them directly.
By saying you think they’re abusive.
You’re also safer.
Because they can’t see the real you.
So they can’t hurt you.
They only think they can.
And that’s why reflecting works.
It’s like a dog inside an invisible fence.
They think they’re free to do what they want.
And go as far as they can before they get a jolt.
And are forced to stop.
They don’t know what’s happening.
Only that by reaching a boundary.
An invisible line they can’t see but always feel.
They stop because it hurts.
And they don’t know why.
Reflecting is like an invisible fence for your vampire.
You’re shocking them in just the right way.
At the right time.
In a way they can’t see.
Using their own attacks.
To train them to leave you alone.
And go somewhere else.
Putting them in their own confined space away from you.
I call this being a painful target to abuse.
When you become a mirror.
Using their 3 weaknesses I showed you.
They won’t see this:
They’ll see this:
Because it also reflects the bad things they throw at you.
Back at them.
Until they turn away from you.
And even avoid you.
Reflecting all your emotional vampire’s attacks back at them is hard.
Or at least takes time.
There’s no way around it.
You have to do it right.
With the right language and behavior.
Which your emotional vampire can see through.
Especially if you’re not careful and slip up.
Or if they guilt you until you admit what you’re doing.
And try to have a heart-to-heart with them.
Which you should never do.
For your own sake.
Because they’ll raise hell.
It takes time to learn.
And you have to understand your vampire really well.
You need to use their weaknesses against them.
It takes practice.
And experience.
Practice and experience I have.
Practice and experience my readers have.
If you follow what I’ve shown you, you’ll beat them.
I promise.
However, if you’re in a bad relationship with a vampire right now.
Or related to one.
You can use my mirror.
I built it for you to use and show you exactly what to do against them.
It’s called How to Defeat Your Emotional Vampire.
Now before you ask.
This is a book.
And I sell it.
However, you can beat your emotional vampire without it.
I’ve shown you everything you need on this page.
Defeat Your Emotional Vampire just makes it easier by doing it for you.
It’s what I would tell you to do for your own situation.
Because here’s how to beat them.
Using How to Defeat Your Emotional Vampire or on your own.
1. Identify all their weaknesses to use against them.
2. Avoid all their triggers that make them come after you.
3. Speak to them indirectly to make them uncomfortable.
That’s it.
It’s not easy.
But it’s all you need.
When you get this process down.
Your vampire won’t be able to hurt you without hurting themselves.
And will leave you alone.
Focus on these 3 things for 20 years and you’ll discover what’s in Defeat Your Emotional Vampire on your own.
Secrets I found like:
"Dear Scott, I think it's us that need to thank you! When I first purchased your book I was trying to (for four years) figure out what was wrong with the narcissist in my life. I got away from him when I read your book. Thanks again. You've sent two emails since then and after I received each of them this man tried to come back in my life. I was glad I had your emails to remind me of what I was about to let myself in for. You've done a great thing by writing this book." -Vicki Schramm
"Just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job. The last narcissist I dated took me 3 months to recognize what he was. Shortly after I met another one who I recognized immediately. I'm just very grateful that I can recognize it. Your book helped a lot. Thank you and good luck." -Trudy Evans
I need to tell you this again.
You don’t need this guide to beat your emotional vampire.
I didn’t need it.
And you don’t either.
Even though I wish I had it earlier.
You can beat your vampire on your own like I did.
This page is your roadmap.
It shows you what they’re going to do to you.
So you know what to expect.
And aren’t surprised by them.
The information you have now is enough to win.
If you act on it.
Because information alone won’t beat them.
You have to know how to use it.
That’s why I think Defeat Your Emotional Vampire would probably really help you.
Since it shows you how to use what you know now.
And how I would fight your vampire using the above principles.
Then does it for you by showing you exactly what to do and say.
Revealing all their weaknesses.
And how to use them against your vampire.
Including everything you should do now to protect yourself.
It’s a good friend and powerful weapon.
So you have everything in your corner when you need it.
It’s not necessary though.
This page has everything you need.
Even without every detail.
Still, Defeat Your Emotional Vampire is here when you need it.
At least while it’s available.
I do have 1 demand though.
And it’s a big one:
I want you to promise me and yourself 3 things:
1. You won’t tell your emotional vampire this stuff.
They’ll hurt you with it.
And it makes this information less effective for other people dealing with emotional vampires.
Putting them at risk.
So don’t reveal it.
And only share this page with other victims of emotional vampires.
2. Don’t let your vampire sweet talk you back into abuse with them.
They’re probably super persuasive.
Don’t fall for it by believing they’re going to change.
You know what’s going to happen.
More abuse.
And finally:
3. Don’t give up.
Your emotional vampire always breaks when you refuse to quit.
I can give you all the information in the world.
I can’t give you the will to use it.
Which you must have to beat them.
If you have that, you’ll win.
All that said.
For right now.
You can get Defeat Your Emotional Vampire for $37 as a digital PDF file.
Which you can read on any of your devices.
Including the one you’re reading this page on.
Or $47 for a spiral-bound copy I’ll ship to you.
Both have the same content.
And it’s just 1 payment.
There are no recurring charges.
However, I reserve the right to raise these prices at any time.
For any reason.
I may decide it belongs in a different package.
Sometimes I take things down.
Since this is successful and working for people, I’ll probably keep offering it.
But there’s no guarantee.
I’ve taken down several things I’ve offered before.
I used to offer custom consultations.
And they were exhausting.
So I stopped.
And by the way.
I charged a minimum of $97 an hour.
And people paid it!
You get even more information in Defeat Your Emotional Vampire.
At a fraction of the price.
If you get it while it’s still up.
If anyone misuses my information.
Which I really don’t like.
I’ll pull it down.
This is too powerful to misuse.
Because it gives you almost complete control and power over your emotional vampire.
So you can only use it for good.
I won’t let it hurt anyone.
Don’t get bitter and use it against them because you’re mad.
It won’t work as well.
And it’s wrong.
Only use it to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Promise me that, and I promise:
So you’re skeptical right now.
Maybe super skeptical.
And you should be.
You’re probably thinking to yourself:
“Wow. This is awesome news but… I don’t believe you Scott.”
And it’s good because you shouldn’t.
I’m the same way.
To a fault.
Even when I buy something simple.
Like an electric toothbrush from Walmart.
My first thought is:
“Will this work for me?”
“This better work. I don’t want to come back later to return it.”
I don’t want to leave disappointed.
I know you don’t either.
And on the internet it’s much worse.
You don’t know what you’re getting.
And I’ve never even been ripped off.
Still, I get it.
You’re looking at this and don’t know if it’ll work on your vampire.
Or if any of this is real.
I’m showing you something that might change your life.
And you’re wondering if I even exist.
So I don’t want you to believe me yet.
I want you to be able to try Defeat Your Emotional Vampire for yourself and see how it works for you.
Because it must scare your vampire now and every time you use it.
And make them stop hurting you and leave you alone.
If you ever feel it doesn’t do that.
Or you decide at any time in the future it just isn’t for you.
I want you to ask for a full refund and keep Defeat Your Emotional Vampire free.
You can wait as long as you like.
This guarantee lasts forever.
Take all the time you need to see it work for you.
There’s no time limit.
That’s how serious I am.
Now I know what you’re thinking:
“What if I order and you don’t give me the product? Or I don’t like it and you keep my money anyway?”
You may or may not know this but…
Like at all.
If you complain to your bank or PayPal.
They yank your money out of my account and hit me with a fee.
$15 to $20 per transaction.
This is called a chargeback.
And people use them to rip me off.
I’m sure there’s a way to take your money then cut and run.
I don’t know how to do it.
And by the way.
This is my livelihood.
I’ve been in business since 2013 and I’m not throwing it all away for a few bucks.
I can’t.
The companies who process your payment are the best and biggest in the world.
Stripe processes your card.
Or you can pay with PayPal.
If either of them get a whiff I’m no good.
Or suspect anything is wrong.
They’ll shut me and my business down forever.
And get this…
If I get too many chargebacks.
Even from people ripping me off.
They’ll shut me down!
So please, please, PLEASE don’t complain to your bank or these companies if you have a problem or want your money back.
Just let me know at any time in the future and I’ll refund your money and let you keep Defeat Your Emotional Vampire free.
It’s no problem.
So now that I’ve told you this, please don’t use it against me.
And if you’re someone who uses chargebacks, don’t give me money!
You can just take Defeat Your Emotional Vampire and ask your bank or PayPal for your money back and keep everything.
You can try it, see how it works and decide later if you like it.
Because there’s no other way to know for sure.
You’ll notice I don’t have a wall of glowing testimonials.
Even though I have thousands of customers.
Most of them happy with what I’ve written.
Because I don’t want to distract you with what other people think.
It has to work for you.
You have to love it.
It doesn’t matter what they think.
Or how much they love it.
You may not.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
So you can test out the techniques and see what happens.
And only pay if they work.
Heck, you can get a refund if they do work.
I won’t be able to know.
I trust you to tell me the truth.
In reality, I’m at your mercy.
Since it’s yours to take.
However, I think you’ll do the right thing.
Because you know what it’s like to be taken advantage of and abused every day.
Before you do try it though, there’s 1 more thing I want to show you…
Every nasty word they say to you.
Every bit of abuse they throw at you.
Every time they hurt you.
They’re giving you 2 choices.
And you have to pick 1.
Whether you like it or not:
1. Stay with them and be miserable forever.
Since they’ll never change.
Only get worse.
And pull you deeper into their haunted castle.
2. Or get out.
Finally learn to protect yourself.
And beat this emotional vampire once and for all.
1 of these things is going to happen to you.
I hope it’s the second.
If you don’t believe these are your only 2 choices now.
You will later.
They’re going to prove it to you.
Just like they did for me.
When you don’t get out.
You stay trapped forever.
You’ll survive.
It’s just painful.
And no way to live.
I don’t want it to happen to you.
I want to stop them.
But I can only do that if you agree they won’t get better.
So you have to act.
It’s not your fault they’re this way.
They’re not your responsibility to fix.
And you couldn’t even if you wanted to.
I can’t help them either.
I can only help you.
They’ve already decided what they’re going to do.
And no one can stop them or change their mind.
Don’t let them decide for you.
They’ve made up their mind they’re never going to change and everything’s your fault.
They’ve shown you that.
So you have to change.
That might mean getting Defeat Your Emotional Vampire.
It might not.
Whatever you decide, try to do what I showed you on this page.
Or you’ll suffer as long as you don’t.
Abraham Lincoln said it best:
“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
You can choose to be happy right now.
And you’re the only one who can make that choice.
It comes down to the above rules.
You follow them.
You win.
You don’t follow them.
You lose.
I got dealt a bad hand.
I was born into a family of emotional vampires.
And I suffered for it.
For over 20 years.
However, it showed me how to fight them.
Now I know how to protect you from the same fate.
So they don’t ruin your life for years or even decades.
It’s up to you.
You have to make the choice.
When you’re ready to be saved…
Click below right now and get How to Defeat Your Emotional Vampire to stop them for good:
Or get a spiral-bound book shipped to you hereClick above right now and let's get your training started,
Scott Bassett
Founder, owner and operator of SC Publishing Company
While writing Defeat Your Emotional Vampire.
I poured everything I knew about fighting emotional vampires into it for you to use.
To make sure it has everything you need.
However, there are other things you probably want to know.
So I’ve included them with Defeat Your Emotional Vampire as bonuses.
There’s a way to turn your vampire against themselves.
And disarm them so they can’t hurt you.
Sort of like defanging them.
Without them even knowing it.
I call it How to Talk to Your Emotional Vampire So They Can’t Hurt You.
And it shows you:
Your vampire thinks they’re a big bad wolf and you’re the little piggie.
This report reverses that.
By showing you exactly what to say to hit psychological triggers in their brain that make them flee.
Exposing them as a bully and making them avoid you.
This is your Emotional Vampire Relationship Survival Guide.
So if you’re trapped in a relationship with a vampire.
I’ve got some techniques to show you to break the hold they have on your neck.
And let you get away.
Some of these things will shock you.
You’ll deny them at first.
Then realize I’m right.
And feel much better.
Because you’ll know:
These are things I’d usually charge for.
And I may charge for them in the future.
For now, you’ll get them free with Defeat Your Emotional Vampire.
Or get a spiral-bound book shipped to you hereNo.
Anyone who claims to do that is lying or confused.
Your emotional vampire has a nature which you can’t change.
They want to suck your blood more than anything.
You can only stop them by learning to protect yourself.
These are the best ways I found growing up with them.
I’m sure there are more I don’t know.
You’ll discover some on your own too.
This will give you a leg up by seeing everything I tried that worked.
After 20 years of testing.
It’s not perfect. It’s the best thing I’ve found.
You shouldn’t.
I’m not going to sit here and tell you to trust me.
I will tell you I’ve been in business since 2013.
With an email list of over 14,000 people.
YouTube channel with over 33,000 people.
And I have thousands of customers who like me.
Some haven’t liked me, and that’s okay too.
I am trying to help you.
And if I fail, I refuse to let you pay me.
Not really.
There are plenty of good books on Amazon and videos on YouTube that’ll teach you a ton.
And I encourage you to use them.
However, they only give you info.
Defeat Your Emotional Vampire is a method.
It shows you how to stop an emotional vampire ruining your life.
It’s hard to find this method because I made most of it myself.
You have to go through what I did to know this stuff.
However, I’m sure someone has had the same experiences and put it into a similar package you can use.
And there’s plenty online to help you.
Because I want you to get it and be so happy you buy something else.
I don’t make a profit selling it at this price.
But this is a community.
And when I show you what to do against your emotional vampire.
You might like all the other things I can do for you.
Because I want to.
And I have to.
Like I said before, I can’t actually keep your money.
All payments are processed through your card company or PayPal.
If they get a whiff you’re unhappy for any reason, they pull the money out of my account and slap me with a $15 fee or more.
This is called a chargeback.
And there’s nothing I can do about it.
People just take their money back for any reason.
Or no reason.
And I don’t have proof but I suspect most people who do this…
Are ripping me off!
To get free stuff.
And they don’t even have to.
So please just ask me for a refund if you want to keep it free.
I don’t care if you’re ripping me off.
It’s better for me than when you yank it out of my account and slap me with a fee.
I’ve paid thousands in chargeback fees from people ripping me off.
That’s why you can get a refund at any time in the future.
It’s easier for both of us.
It’s easy.
Just email me at:
And I’ll refund your money.
It’s instant with PayPal.
And takes a few business days for cards.
Take all the time you need.
There’s no deadline or time limit.
Emotional abuse isn’t something to play around with and not take seriously.
I take it very seriously.
You don’t need to sit and worry about whether you can get your money back.
As you’re using my techniques to see how they help you.
So it’s 1 less thing for you to worry about at least.
Send me your question at:
Send it right now so I get it and get back to you sooner.
It’s really hard to respond to all the questions I get.
That was a lot to tell you.
I just want you to know what you’re up against.
Now we’re at the end.
Which reminds me of the quote again:
“In the end, you’re as happy as you choose to be.”
I want you to be able to choose to be happy.
So click below right now.
Enter your bank card, credit card or PayPal information.
Then click submit and start using Defeat Your Emotional Vampire.
Read it on the device you’re using to read this page.
Or get it shipped to your door (with free shipping in the US).
Try it and see how it works for you.
It should make your vampire back off right away.
Click below so we can do that right now:
Or get a spiral-bound book shipped to you here